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Jerusalem DC Autographed Hardcover $ 250.00 or More Award to Mike Pence $ 1,000.00 or More
Jerusalem DC Autographed Hardcover
For 3,000 years, since it was conquered by King David and established as the capital of the Jewish nation, Jerusalem has been the heartbeat of the Jewish people. The small city has none of the attributes of the great cities of the world—no river, no port, no special natural resources; yet Jerusalem has been fought over and contested more than any other city. Why? Because of the prophetic significance of the Holy City. Jerusalem is home to two of the great monotheistic religions—Judaism and Christianity—and is claimed by the third, Islam. It is the very center of God’s plan for the future of our world. This latest book from Dr. Mike Evans expounds the past, present, and future of the Holy City. It is an invaluable resource for every friend of Israel and every Believer who wishes to obey the command to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
For Your Gift of $250.00 or More
Award to Mike Pence
The framed text “Al HaNisim” is written in the shape of a Menorah, a nine-lamp candelabrum, also known as a Chanukiah, which is used on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. “Al HaNisim” is an addition to the daily prayer on Hanukkah. It starts off with a short thanks paragraph and then a paragraph describing the events that are celebrated, and praises God for delivering the victory of the Jewish people and the Maccabees over the Greeks in the year 139 B.C., where they freed the city of Jerusalem from the hands of the Greeks. Today, after President Trump re-affirming the city of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, this text is as significant today as it was then. This award is one-of-a-kind and was commissioned especially for Vice President Pence in the city of Jerusalem during the Festival of Lights and the Hanukkah holiday.
For Your Gift of $1,000.00 or More